During the commercials of the Summer Olympic Games, the NBC audience was pleasantly treated to various clips and trailers promoting promising upcoming tv series in the fall. One of these new comedy sitcoms is "The New Normal", a story about a gay couple wanting to start a family and their chosen surrogate mother. Many audience members who enjoyed the short, yet fun and witty clips of the show highly anticipated the sitcom's arrival, but now, for many, those plans have drastically changed.
It turns out that the NBC affiliate KSL-TV, based in Salt Lake City, will not feature the new comedy on their channel because they deemed the show's main storyline about a gay couple "inappropiate on several dimensions". Their choice to completely disregard the show after privately viewing the Pilot episode, stems from the fact that Bonneville International, the broadcasting company that owns KSL-TV, is managed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yet, this is not the first time that the channel has refused to air certain shows; they still have not accepted to air one of the biggest hits in modern TV: Saturday Night Live.
KSL-TV's choice not to feature the comedy on their channel caused certain controversy due to their reasons as to why they refused to be associated with the new program. Multiple LGBT support groups and organizations such as GLAAD, spoke up against this turn of events, similarly stating that this was a demonstration of "how deeply out of touch the country is".
I chosed this article because it is related to the sitcom I had become fond of after watching its clips several times during the Summer Games. Yet, it was also very interesting to me because I had innocently thought that situations such like these were a thing of the past. I naively assumed that someone's sexual orientation (whether in reaity or in fiction) would not matter anymore, considering this is the year 2012 and in various manners, the way society once perceived certain ideas has evolved. But apparently, it still has not evolved enough if this type of situation still looms around like a dark cloud.
As a student, this article did not impact me, but as a future filmmaker, this did leave a mark. This article taught that that if I ever want to create my own show, I will have to be careful about what I want to show to my audience because I would not want to offend or hurt anyone since that is not my intention. This is also made me realize that as a future filmmaker, I will be forced to take certain risks if I am truly passionate about one of my projects; I will have to fight for my ideas and stand by them, but still be ready to understand that I will not be able to please everyone, especially when I ecounter a situation that is out of my hands.
As a consumer, this did not really impact me since I will still be able to watch the show if I desired to, yet if I had been living in Salt Lake City, then that would have been a different story. If I lived in Salt Lake City, I would not be able to watch the show, and since I would not be only one with this disadvantage, that would hurt the ratings of the show. For other people who hear about this minor setback for the show and become interested, they will let their curiosity lead them to their television set and begin to watch the show simply because it made headlines before it even aired its first episode, and this could contribute to other consumers because news spreads quickly.
After reading this article, I had several questions such as: what did the cast and crew of The New Normal think about KSL-TV's choice? Were they all offended or did they understand since they knew from the beginning that their show would center around such a delicate topic? I also pondered about what this would mean for my ideas for my tv shows...should I be more careful about what I intend to produce, or shoud I be less careful and take more risks?
LINK: LA Times: The New Normal