Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Superhero Credit

It is so secret that Marvel Studios has reinvented the comic book world by constantly creating new characters and bringing them alive through action-packed films. Yet with so many superheroes constantly popping up, one may become confused as to who he/she should thank or credit for inventing such marvelous [swidt] characters. The audience has been focusing on this little bit for quite some time and so Marvel Studios was recently officially asked how they handled the whole situation; how does the studio credit the creators of superheroes? Do the inventors receive all the credit or do the developers (those that further improve the character in various manners)  also bask in the glory? 
 Kevin Feige, a film producer for Marvel Studios, responded to such questions by claiming that Marvel chief creative officer, Joe Quesada, and Marvel Comics publisher, Dan Buckley, would take care of the credit rights for each respective creator. Kevin Feige also assured curious fans by stating that a special credits section at the end of all Marvel movies would include the names of all the people that worked on the development of the superheroes, no matter how small a role a certain character had.
I felt this article was important because it focused on the rights of each creator participating in a film. Since a lot of people are required to produce one film, many names could be forgotten during the final stage of production which could anger and sadden many. After all the hard work each person dedicates to a project, it is only fair for that person to receive recognition and credit so that all the work would mean something. It is also a wonderful feeling of self-satisfaction when one realizes the significant role he/she played in accomplishing something grand such as a greatly anticipated film. 
As a student, this article impacted me because I can relate to it regarding my academics. I know what it's like to exert a lot of effort and time on a project because I desire for the best outcome. Yet at the end of it all, I also hope that I will be credited in the project in some way because it is a way of wrapping the whole project, almost like a final touch. So if the recognition is not there, then it feels like everyone else took the effort and energy for granted and did not really value it like it deserved. Whether it may be something small like a school project or something bigger like a film, credit should also be given to those that deserve it because it's only fair.
As a future filmmaker, this piece of news impacted me because I would not want to disrespect anyone by completing ignoring their contribution(s) by not crediting him/her for his/her effort in the project. This teaches that the film industry can sometimes be a dangerous and slippery slope in which one may work hard but not get rewarded which is unfair, yet sometimes, inevitable. Still, I would want to thank all the people I worked with so they can be assured that each one of them contributed to the final product since their ideas only made it stronger. By doing so, everyone would be secured about his/her role in each project so that no one feels useless or expandable because it is always important to maintain healthy relationships.
As a consumer, this affected me because I imagine the possible directions a certain film could have by not crediting one of its most influential masterminds. Since I am a great fan of Stan Lee, I usually aim to watch all the films he works on, yet if his name was not presented in a certain film, then there's a possibility that I may not watch it if it does not attract my attention enough. If many other people think among these lines, then these films are losing multiple fans, therefore, losing money as well. Due to this, every person that worked in a film should always receive credit because in the end, it does not only affect the victim, but the film overall.
By reading this article, several questions came to mind almost immediately. For example, why are some people left out of the credits at the end of the film? I remember a similar problem with the psychological thriller, Black Swan, in which a dance double for Natalie Portman's character was not mentioned in the credits although the dance double played a crucial role in developing Portman's character. Another question would be concerning the people that are left out of the credits; how do they feel when they realize that their work was not properly recognized? What will they do?  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

R-Rated Films in Classrooms?

Hinsdale South High School in Chicago has recently been under fire for teaching an elective literature class in which R-rated films are shown to juniors and seniors. The class aims to demonstrate creativity by analyzing several literacy concepts through films as a way to captivate the attention of the students. Yet, there have been various complaints of parents, all claiming that such R-rated films are highly inappropriate for a school classroom since most of the films showcase more serious and offensive topics such as sex, profanity, and violence. Superintendent Nicholas Wahl issued a statement in which he curtly reminded all the outraged parents that a syllabus was given in the beginning of the year that listed all of the films that would be shown throughout the year, and that every parent had signed and returned his or her child's syllabus. Despite admitting to signing the syllabus, the protesting parents still believe the selected films which include Brokeback Mountain and American Beauty, are inappropriate for a school environment no matter the lessons or morals that are trying to be taught through the films. Offended parents believe that the board of Hinsdale Township High School District 86 should try to reevaluate the material their schools are teaching to young kids to assure that it is all really necessary and acceptable.
I thought this article was significant because it focused on the response certain films may elicit no matter their powerful stance regarding ideas and morals of society. It proves that a film deemed  a masterpiece may not always evoke a positive message with everyone despite the film's best intentions. It is also important because it could start changing the views on R-rated films and what they are really about; many will now start to question if such films hold any importance or are simply made to entertain those who love a good blood-filled film.
As a student, this article impacted me because I could relate to it because over the years at school, I have been asked by multiple teachers to view a specific film or program for educational purposes and sometimes those films and programs have not always been "age-appropriate." Yet I have not been scarred or traumatized by these films as most parents fearfully believe, but instead, I have become educated because these films have delved into more serious topics that my own parents sometimes refuse to talk about. So even if the film contains profanity and violence, I am old enough to realize that it is simply a film and since I know right from wrong, I will not indulge in such actions.
As a future filmmaker, this piece of news impacts me because I am once again reminded of the consequences that producing R-rated films can have. Although most R-rated films usually have a strong moral or lesson that is needed to be demonstrated through violence, many still indulge in blood and profanity for "fun", which I think may be crossing the line a bit. As a future filmmaker, if I were ever to be part of creating a R-rated film, then I would want that film to have a purpose and lesson that can potentially inspire others rather than just sticking in blood and curse words randomly.
As a consumer, this article impacted me because now I will be more careful when I know I am watching a R-rated film. Many of the concerns of parents with these films is the potential negative effect R-rated films could have on young teenagers because they think the films hold too much delicate topics. Yet when I watch another R-rated film, I will try to view it in way that my parents would to see if the topic of the film is indeed too inappropriate for someone my age.
As I was reading this article, I wondered if the protesting parents realized the irony in the whole situation and if they did, did they ignore it? The parents complain that R-rated films should not be shown because they portray too much sexual concepts and violence, yet do these parents realize that their kids probably have video games with the same theme? Nowadays, video games are becoming very violent mixed in with implied sex scenes, but the parents still let their kids play these games and even purchase them as gifts for them. Are parents really outraged about their underage kids watching R-rated films in general, or are they just mad that they are shown these films at school rather than at home or at a friend's house?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mangling Self-Esteem of Children

There has always been a great debate whether or not the television and the media in general, is somehow harmful to young kids. So a few months ago, two researchers conducted an experiment and discovered that the more time kids spend watching television, the more damage their self-esteem suffers.   

The two researchers, Nicole Martins, from Indiana University, and Kristen Harrison, from the University of Michigan, conducted a survey involving 396 white and black boys and girls to determine the exact symptoms  resulting of too much television consumption.
The results proved to be more specific because it revealed that television negatively affects African Americans and young girls more than any other group. Interestingly enough, the research also showed that young white boys were the least affected by television, and instead, could even benefit from watching it.

The researchers believed in the results because they realized that in most shows, the white males play successful characters, have significant and difficult careers, and still somehow manage to win the prettiest girl. Every other character is then forced to live in the shadow of these rich characters, always one step behind, and such characters may sometimes be portrayed by women and African Americans, hurting their self-esteem more.

Although self-esteem will always ultimately be decided how each individual sees him or her self, one cannot deny that television plays a powerful role.

I thought this article was very important because it discusses the connection between too much television and the health of young children. It describes the negative effects television can have on children that are only focused on a cartoon show rather than being active outside. This article also intrigued me because for the first time, the research was very specific, as in an ethic group was given rather than a more general idea. This gave the article a greater impact because now young kids can connect with this discovery and become aware of how damaging television truly is.

As a high school student, this article affected me because after school, I sometimes indulge in a bit of television before starting my homework. Usually, I am always entertained by my program and so I do not stop and ponder the effects of watching too much of it. Upon reading this, I will be more careful with the amount of time I spend watching television.

As a future filmmaker, this impacts me because I will now be more careful on how to cast certain people for specific roles. I would want to create a movie in which diversity is a key point, yet I would also like for it to be as realistic as possible, and it can be very hard to manage both at the same time. By knowing this information, I would also be careful about the movies or shows I produce because I would be aware of the fact that television tends to be harmful to children, yet since I cannot prevent this, then I can at least make sure that my movie or show will somehow be educational to at least accomplish something. This way, the harm to the minds of young children won't be as great, but instead, lessons could be taught through television.   

As a consumer, this article affects me because now I am aware of this information and so I will be more observant of certain shows. Since the article discovered that white males always end up with the leading and successful roles, I will pay more close attention to see whether this is in fact true, or if it is a mere myth that started decades ago and now has revolutionized.

By reading this article, I focused on several questions such as are filmmakers or producers aware of this recent study? If they are, will they try to change the way in which their characters behave, or simply continue to carry on as before since they assume every child might know that films and television programs are merely fictional and so they do not demonstrate reality very accurately?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

100 Million Less

On Yahoo, it seems that critics and audience members  are constantly praising multiple movies, exclaiming how wonderfully captivating they were. Due to this, many people seem to think that movies are still on the high, that the film industry is still thriving in spite of the depressing economy. Yet, that is not the case; according to Time Magazine, in the summer of 2011, the count of movie tickets sold was the lowest ever since 1997 and 2012 seems to be heading in that gloomy direction as well. According to data research from several sources such as USA Today and Hollywood.com, about 529 million movie tickets were sold this year during the long Labor Day Weekend, which appears to be a high number, yet compared to last year's Labor Day Weekend, it was actually low since last year the count was about 543 million tickets. About a decade ago, long before the economy took a deep plunge, an estimated 629 million tickets were sold which means that the 2012 film industry lost about 100 million tickets in between that time.
Yet, big blockbusters such as The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises, were great contributors regarding ticket sales and upcoming movies such as the final installment of the Twilight franchise, and the new James Bond film, may also boost ticket sales, making 2012 not such a big loss for the film industry.
I thought this article was extremely significant because it was evidence on the strong impact the poor economy has had on even one of the most powerful industries of all time. It proves how everything suffers one way or another when the country itself is going through troubled times. It is also like a testimony that states just how subjective a person's perception is, because due to the economy, many people are thinking differently regarding their budget. Due to this, the article grabbed my attention because I realized just how major this problem was turning out to be; all of a sudden, it wasn't a simple dilemma in a few households, but now it is affecting the whole nation by negatively affecting one of the strongest industries in the world. I found this very interesting because it was a problem I believe everyone could relate to because films are universal; they are truly infinite which makes them relatable, therefore, making this piece of news very important,.
As a student, this article taught me more about the film industry as well as the overall condition of the nation's economy. As a high school student, I am old enough to realize what the problem is surrounding the economy. so I always expect to hear about certain stores closing down, yet I never thought the film industry would be affected so greatly. I thought that such a business would always do well simply because it has been thriving for decades and decades and something like this would not affect it as much as it did with smaller industries. Yet, learning this new information really puts everything into perspective because now I realize that no industry is really safe when the nation is suffering.
As a future filmmaker, this truly impacted me because it served as a warning of what was to come later in the future. This article made me realize that this industry is very tricky and very passionate; it can go in either direction pretty fast, such as failing rapidly or succeeding incredibly, yet never knowing which path it will take. So as a future filmmaker, I will have to be willing to take a risk in devoting myself to this profession because I know that there is no safe net in case I fail and fall.
This article affected me as a consumer because I have to admit that I am part of the reason why ticket sales have been so low. Before, I use to often go to the movies with my friends, whether we went to watch the latest Oscar-worthy film or the simple romantic comedy, we always somehow contributed to the film industry. Yet, as the economy has taken its toll, everyone is feeling the consequences of sacrificing a trip to the movie. It appears everyone is doing this because now they need to prioritize what really matters in their life, and I am no different. Although I still enjoy movies and sometimes go the theater with my brother or my friends, I know I do not go as used to before.
Due to this article, I have many questions, yet they all seem to focus on the future of the industry: what happens now? Will the film industry keep having these crazy ups and downs, or will it slowly gain its pace as one of the most established industries in the world? After all, it is not really a question about whether or not more movies will continued to be made, because of course there will be, but will there still be people left to watch them in theaters? Was this a mere warning of what could happen, or is it a premonition of what is to come? 
 It seems that filmmakers will have to create even more imaginative and extraordinary films to truly captivate a person's attention so they could actually go to the theaters to pay to view it.