Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Superhero Credit

It is so secret that Marvel Studios has reinvented the comic book world by constantly creating new characters and bringing them alive through action-packed films. Yet with so many superheroes constantly popping up, one may become confused as to who he/she should thank or credit for inventing such marvelous [swidt] characters. The audience has been focusing on this little bit for quite some time and so Marvel Studios was recently officially asked how they handled the whole situation; how does the studio credit the creators of superheroes? Do the inventors receive all the credit or do the developers (those that further improve the character in various manners)  also bask in the glory? 
 Kevin Feige, a film producer for Marvel Studios, responded to such questions by claiming that Marvel chief creative officer, Joe Quesada, and Marvel Comics publisher, Dan Buckley, would take care of the credit rights for each respective creator. Kevin Feige also assured curious fans by stating that a special credits section at the end of all Marvel movies would include the names of all the people that worked on the development of the superheroes, no matter how small a role a certain character had.
I felt this article was important because it focused on the rights of each creator participating in a film. Since a lot of people are required to produce one film, many names could be forgotten during the final stage of production which could anger and sadden many. After all the hard work each person dedicates to a project, it is only fair for that person to receive recognition and credit so that all the work would mean something. It is also a wonderful feeling of self-satisfaction when one realizes the significant role he/she played in accomplishing something grand such as a greatly anticipated film. 
As a student, this article impacted me because I can relate to it regarding my academics. I know what it's like to exert a lot of effort and time on a project because I desire for the best outcome. Yet at the end of it all, I also hope that I will be credited in the project in some way because it is a way of wrapping the whole project, almost like a final touch. So if the recognition is not there, then it feels like everyone else took the effort and energy for granted and did not really value it like it deserved. Whether it may be something small like a school project or something bigger like a film, credit should also be given to those that deserve it because it's only fair.
As a future filmmaker, this piece of news impacted me because I would not want to disrespect anyone by completing ignoring their contribution(s) by not crediting him/her for his/her effort in the project. This teaches that the film industry can sometimes be a dangerous and slippery slope in which one may work hard but not get rewarded which is unfair, yet sometimes, inevitable. Still, I would want to thank all the people I worked with so they can be assured that each one of them contributed to the final product since their ideas only made it stronger. By doing so, everyone would be secured about his/her role in each project so that no one feels useless or expandable because it is always important to maintain healthy relationships.
As a consumer, this affected me because I imagine the possible directions a certain film could have by not crediting one of its most influential masterminds. Since I am a great fan of Stan Lee, I usually aim to watch all the films he works on, yet if his name was not presented in a certain film, then there's a possibility that I may not watch it if it does not attract my attention enough. If many other people think among these lines, then these films are losing multiple fans, therefore, losing money as well. Due to this, every person that worked in a film should always receive credit because in the end, it does not only affect the victim, but the film overall.
By reading this article, several questions came to mind almost immediately. For example, why are some people left out of the credits at the end of the film? I remember a similar problem with the psychological thriller, Black Swan, in which a dance double for Natalie Portman's character was not mentioned in the credits although the dance double played a crucial role in developing Portman's character. Another question would be concerning the people that are left out of the credits; how do they feel when they realize that their work was not properly recognized? What will they do?  


  1. I also wonder why some people are left out at the credits... The credits are long and watching them it seems like everyone who worked on the film is listed... Most people who work in the industry must be dedicated so it makes me a bit sad if their names are left out.
    There's a lot of jobs in creating a film, each one important. I'm glad Marvel Studios tries their to give credit.

  2. I think it's great that Marvel Studios are giving credit where it's due. I know I would hate it if I wasn't given credit for something so successful. I feel like those who created the superheroes should be the first people in the beginning of the credits. After all, without the creators, such a film would have never even been made. Like Patricia said, credits are extremely long and most people don't stay to watch through the entire thing, which is why, the creators should be at the top of the credits, not at the end, where they won't even be seen.
