It is no secret now that the world
has been experiencing some turbulence regarding religion. Although the various
perspectives about religion have always been problematic, matters were made
worse when a film director under the name of Sam Bacile, released "Innocence
of Muslims" which could be viewed on YouTube. Immediately, the movie was
assaulted with aggressive anti-American responses and attacks from the Middle
East which resulted in more than 17 tragic deaths, including the U.S ambassador
to Libya.
Due to this violent feedback, an
actress from the movie, Cindy Lee Garcia, has sued the film’s producer and
YouTube as well, claiming that the reaction of movie has caused her to receive
death threats which eventually made her an invalid caretaker for her grandchildren.
Still, the movie has also caused problems in other aspects of Garcia’s life,
such as being fired from her job since her employers now believe she poses a
threat to those around her.
Garcia decided to sue because she
states that she was tricked into making the film; she claims that the filmmaker
tricked her into taking a role in the movie by assuring her that the movie was
actually an adventure story set in ancient Egypt.
The actress wants all her association
to the movie to be cut immediately before further problems in her life arise,
since she feels that her reputation and image has been tarnished.
I thought this article was important
because it shines light on the treatment certain actors are exposed to after
one of their projects fails. Although one constantly reads and hears about a
movie hitting rock bottom in the box attention, no one truly pays attention to
the actual people behind the movie. Yet, this article accomplishes the opposite
because it makes the readers understand just how powerful certain effects are
regarding elements as influential as movies which is the idea that originally
attracted me to the article in the first place.
As a high school student, this
impacted me because I was able to connect with the issue that Garcia faced.
Everyone cares about the manner in which they present themselves to others and
so as a society, everyone tries to keep that image as true as possible. Yet,
Garcia claims her image was changed, giving off a negative vibe, which is not
fair since she had no control over such action.
As a future filmmaker, this piece of
information impacted me because it made me realize the risk involved in
producing a controversial movie. Although I am sure the director did not mean
to evoke such a powerful response that eventually lead to deaths and riots, he
must have wanted some sort of reaction and emotion since every story has a
theme. Yet, this article only put the main problem more into focus, giving me a
warning about voicing my opinions and views about a delicate subject such as
As a consumer, this impacts me
because now I am interested in watching the film. When I first head of the
riots and chaos in the Middle East, I never imagined it would be a voluntary
attack against Americans over one simple film. I have not yet watched the
movie, but after hearing how it is affecting history, I am more eager to watch
the movie to determine myself if the movie really is as horrible and offensive
as the attackers claim it is.
After reading this article, multiple
questions quickly sprang into my mind. I wondered what the director was feeling
after witnessing all the madness that erupted after showing his movie. I am
sure he did not expect this kind of reaction and so it must have shocked him
greatly, as well as realizing the lawsuit filed by Garcia. I also ponder about
Garcia’s views on all the whole situation; at what moment did it fully hit
Garcia that the movie she worked on caused her life to be threatened, pushing
her to file a lawsuit against the producer and YouTube?
I think it's unfair for Garcia to be experiencing consequences that she wasn't expecting when she signed up for the film. Either way, I'm pretty confused as to why she just seemed so left out. As an actress, she must have realized that the script is nothing about an adventure in Egypt. Who knows? Maybe she had suspicion that Bacile wasn't advertising the movie for what it really is, but she just chose to ignore it.