Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bad Medicine

It is no secret that the average American enjoys television and in the manner in which events are progressing (such as the common usage of the DVR), it would seem that most tv programs would be an automatic hit. Yet, this is not true, especially for medical dramas which at one point, were very popular. Now, they have become like an old annoying sort of trend with fewer and fewer daily viewers.
According to Nielsen ratings, the medical dramas, “The Mob Doctor” and “Emily Owens M.D”, both from the CW network, were officially cancelled on the last days of November. Although Fox was cautious and refused to use the actual word “cancel”, it is still obvious that both medical dramas were not successes with “Emily Owens M.D” only averaging 1.3 million views.
Yet, it appears that only one medical drama seems rise above any other show: ABC’s “Grey Anatomy” which ranks as the No. 1 drama on television with an average of 9.9 million total viewers.

I believed this article was important because it showed the struggles of one the most common’s television genres. Since “Grey’s Anatomy” was such a success, most people would think that similar shows would also follow those footsteps just like CW’s “The Vampire Diaries” after the Twilight franchise. However, this article completely contradicts that because it demonstrates the true and sad fate of the most typical programs. Yet I do believe that medical dramas may be successful, but since it’s been done one too many times in such a short amount of time, viewers became unsurprisingly bored. If television shows such like these were to be retired for a while and then be brought back with a new story line and more interesting characters, then there would be no problem.  

This article caught my eye because I was expecting something like this for quite some time now. I have never watched a lot of medical dramas, but I have seen all the commercials and billboards excitedly advertising such shows. At the beginning, I also thought that these programs would be successful because many fans adored “Grey’s Anatomy” and I thought the excitement would translate to other similar programs. However, after witnessing the cancellation of “Saving Hope”, I predicted other shows would have the same end.

As a student, this article impacted me because it taught me something new. It made me realize that certain media genres do not last forever, although at point, it may have been seen like that. It also taught me that the whole industry is a huge gambling bet, for one never really does know if a certain show or movie will be successful.

As a future filmmaker, this taught me that certain storyline eventually becoming bored and old-fashioned because the attention of the audience tends to move rather quickly. Due to this, I would have to be careful in creating a film that is compatible with the attention of the audience and try to avoid staying in a routine that will make viewers drift away. Yet, I could also consider this a challenge because I would be constantly attempting to better my work to match up with the expectations of the audience.

As a consumer, this article affects me because I used to watch “Saving Hope”. Although I was not a big fan of it, I did become somewhat attached to the characters and so when I discovered that it was cancelled, I was a bit sad. I realized that millions of fans from “Emily Owens M.D” and “The Mob Doctor” will  feel the same after they realized that their programs are no longer available. Although these programs were not the best, they still provided entertainment and to finally accept the fact they will no longer be shown, is disappointing.

After reading this article, I had several questions surrounding the producers of the cancelled show. When they realized that their show was cancelled, were they completely surprised or were they expecting it? After all, they must have created a show like this because they might have observed the huge success of similar shows like “Grey’s Anatomy” that inspired them to make shows like that. Also, how are the fans handling this news? I know I was a bit disappointed when “Saving Hope” was cancelled so I wonder if fans of the other shows feel the same, or will they quickly move on?  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Casey's Lifetime

With the powerful influence media has been developing over the past few years, a dangerous and challenging trial is always in the spotlight, constantly being broadcasted like the Aurora Shooting by James Holmes over the summer. Such cases are never truly gone for they always find a way to slowly climb back to the spotlight for the aftermath and the collateral damage is too great to possibly forget or ignore forever. An example of such a case occurred in 2008, when young Casey Anthony was accused of suffocating her two-year-old daughter Caylee. Anthony endured years of trials and appeals until she was eventually acquitted of murder in the summer of 2010. Yet, the case still attracted national attention throughout the years and now it has come full circle for Lifetime channel, popular for creating movies about national trials and scandals, announced that its new tv movie, "Prosecuting Casey Anthony", will be released in January 2013. The movie will based off on Anthony's prosecutor, Jeff Ashton's book, Imperfect Justice, which will showcase Rob Lowe portraying Ashton with Anthony's character having a minor role.
I felt that this article was important because it proved that the past never truly stays in the past for people are always constantly trying to recreate it. It goes on to demonstrate that the mistakes of people may be infamously broadcasted throughout the world and such a feat comes with a price because at least one person never truly forgets about them. It is also quite sad that those mistakes will be revisited and analyzed by complete strangers throughout the country, forming their own biased opinions when not all the facts are known.
The article also caught my eye because I have known that Lifetime absolutely loves creating small TV movies that immediately attract people. The channel is especially known to produce movies that are based on real-life events such as scandals or chilling trials followed closely by the media. This is not absolutely wrong, I do not think, because Lifetime still has to make money one way or another; however, I do think it is somewhat disrespectable to all the people that were unfortunately involved in the case. After all, I am sure they had eagerly awaited for the day when all this chaos finally end, yet with this new approaching movie, all their nightmares will resurface.
As a filmmaker, this article impacts me because it shows me that not all movies need to be fictional and drawn from the imagination. Movies can be inspired from anywhere which is really helpful when one has appeared to lose his/her muse, but by simply looking around, a movie can be produced. It seems that the world itself is a movie, or a long continuing story that is yet to be told and so if looked from this perspective, then it is all right to make a movie out of a person's life no matter who he/she is or what she/he has done.
As a student, this article impacts me because I remember going on Yahoo! and coming across countless of articles all about Casey Anthony's trial and her life. At that time, such a case came as a surprise to me because I had never heard of something like that, or at least not been alive during such a national event. Though years have passed and now it appears that more cases like this are surfacing; the James Holmes case, the Michael Jackson case [May He Rest In Peace], and the Amanda Knox trial.
As a consumer, this piece of news impacts me because I will probably watch the TV movie although I will make sure not to believe half of it. Most movies are guilty of dramatizing or creating certain plots or characters in a "biographical movie" to simply attract a greater audience. Yet, I think this is very wrong because it is bad enough that a person's life and mistakes will be broadcast against their will, but to have it change for the name of "amusement" for the audience is cruel. Many people that will tune in to watch the Lifetime movie will undoubtedly believe everything about it and form their own inaccurate opinions and judgments which is not fair since the whole truth was not revealed.
After reading this article, I had a lot of questions concerning Casey Anthony and her family. What was their response once they heard that a movie was being about the trial that forever changed all their lives? Will the movies make it harder for them to move on, or will they actually appreciate the making of the movie so that precious Caylee will never be forgotten?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Remember the LADIES

In today’s world, women have the pleasure in basking in more freedom and opportunities, but in spite of this, there are still many that forget the glory of simple women and what they are capable of when their husband hold powerful in the world. Yet, it appears that the film industry has noticed this and gripped this idea with both fists for it is now delivering films with strong and secure female characters. The film industry has managed to showcase the power and influence of women, especially the women that stand behind the curtains, encouraging their husbands through thick and thin.
Such films that demonstrate the silent strength of women include “Hyde Park on Hudson”, in which Eleanor Roosevelt stays by the side of her husband, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt as he begins a dangerous relationship with his cousin; the classic film, “Hitchcock”, showcasing the director’s spouse, Alma Reville, a professional film editor, who demonstrates her influence as she bravely advised the famous director about casting, scripts, and editing.  In fact, “Hitchcock” director Sacha Gervasi, stated:
"There were four hands that constituted the Hitchcock touch, and two of them were Alma's…. She played such an important role in his process, and, more importantly, the great master trusted her opinion. Hitchcock did not generally tell a writer, 'I really liked your script.' He'd say, 'Alma enjoyed the pages.'"
Another film that shows the true power of women and their undying loyalty and support to their successful husbands is in “Lincoln”, with Mary Todd, the quiet wife of the famous 16th president. After the Lincoln’s son 11-year-old son died in 1862, it is implied that Mary chose to carry the grief and burden of the pain not only for herself, but also for her husband so that the famous president would not have to endure so much suffering.
Sally Field, the actress portraying Mary Todd, said of the brave woman: “Mary Todd felt everything so thoroughly, so deeply, and he [President Lincoln] didn't have to…Lincoln unburdened himself to her, told her his dreams and had terrible nightmares and depression. She would feel it for him…She experienced all the emotions that he would not allow himself to feel because he kept himself so contained."
I felt this article was very important because it finally gave women the credit they deserve after so many years and films. Often times in history, the role of women are forgotten because many people only tend to focus on the achievements of men, but these people do not realize that if it were not were the women in the background, then these men would not have succeeded so. Yet, this comes as no surprise because men are very powerful in the world and so everyone pays all their attention to them and so they forget the quieter yet more secured voices of the women behind the men, encouraging them. After all everyone needs that quiet but wise voice to make the right decision in most cases in life and powerful men are no different; they need their partners to hold on to them and light the way before they venture out into another adventure.
This article caught my eye because it actually gave me hope about the future of films, considering I had recently read and done an article about the lack of depth and content movies were producing nowadays. Yet, with this article, the acknowledgement made me realize that there is still some hope that films are improving because now they seem to want to focus on the underdogs of the society and families which in my opinion, is deep and worth viewing.
As a student, this caught my eye because now I will pay more attention to the secondary characters mentioned in my history class. Usually main points and big names are always pressured to be learned which fine, yet by doing so, the lesser known individuals are forgotten and pushed into the shadows which is not fair. Now, by reading this article, I will pay extra attention to the more quiet characters in history and not just the most common or influential ones, because as the article stated: the minor characters are the ones that together, are slowly pushing the wheel of history forward.
As a future filmmaker, this article impacts me because now I am interested in showcasing the lesser known historical figures or the quieter people in the world. Since now I am aiming toward creating documentaries rather than films, this article gave me many chances and ideas with what I can focus on so that I can better educate my audience. I will now choose to demonstrate many unknown people in the world such as Elizabeth Blackwell (first woman doctor in the USA) so her accomplishments can be properly recognized and praised because there are many people like her that have paved the way for others.   
As a consumer, this article affected me because it now motivates me even more to watch these kinds of films. I have always been a history nerd (I LOVE IT!!) and so films like “Lincoln” “Troy”, “Saving Private Ryan”, and “Gone with the Wind”, have always captivated my attention and now this will only be intensified. I will be more encouraged to go out to the movie theaters and view movies like these to not only learn more about history, but also focus on the minor characters that truly make a difference.
After reading this article, I wondered whether people actually thought about the lesser known characters in films because they must have had a purpose, no matter how small. I would also like to know if people will look at prominent figures in a different light; will people realize that there is more to that successful person? That there is a quieter and maybe smarter and wiser person standing behind them?    
Link: Ladies 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

DVR Kills

It is no secret that many of us do not like commercials and would rather just skip over them as we try to watch our favorite programs. Yet now due to the new technology that is DVR recording, one can simply skip over the commercials and focus on the program.
            This may seem like a very good outcome for those that love television and value their time too much to decide to waste it in watching commercials; however, this is hurting advertising companies because it means that less and less people are viewing their commercials.
            Advertising companies put in a great effort in designing captivating commercials to encourage consumers to indulge in a certain product, but if the majority of the targeted audience is skipping over such commercials in order to focus on a specific program, then that evidently hurts all advertising companies as well the companies producing the product.
            Another problem caused by DVR technology that was also mentioned in the article was the fact that networks still work hard in creating a specific lineup of intriguing commercials that they believe the audience will enjoy according to the kind of program they are watching. Yet, with DVR technology allowing consumers to skip through commercials, all the hard work of designing such a lineup is simply forgotten and not properly credited.  
            However a solution to this problem is quite interesting because not all people that record their programs actually skip through the commercials for several reasons. Many people simply forget they are watching a recorded program and so they accidently watch all the commercials; some people, in spite of having the option to avoid the commercials, choose to watch them because some immediately capture their eye.
            Networks are also battling this problem by adding more but shorter commercials and airing them strategically so that that the viewers that are fast-forwarding eventually find themselves rewinding to avoid the skipping any parts of their programs so they simply decide to watch a couple of commercials right before their program resumes.
            I felt this article was important because it raises the problems that advertising agencies have to endure due to the advancing technology. It proves that although technology is beneficial most of the time since it helps the media expand and share news quicker, it can also be a curse for those that do not have control over it. The article was also important because it shows the irony in which some companies face with technology; with the rising media such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, companies cannot deny the fact that their products are being advertised quicker and reaching a much larger audience than previously predicted, yet this also means that they lose other audiences such as their consumers from TV.
            This article caught my eye because I could relate to it; since I usually have a lot of homework, I do not have the time to watch a full program during the week and so I simply record it and watch it over the weekend. Since I am “part of the problem” because I too am guilty of skipping through commercials, I know I could relate to the article in a better way.
            As a student, this article impacts me in the way that I have learned something new about DVR and advertising companies. Although I was aware that advertisers are losing the money and attention of their audiences, I thought they would not mind as much because the Internet is now playing a huge role and so the consumers lost through the DVR would be made up with the those that are constantly are social networks. Yet, this is obviously not the case and I think that advertisers do not want to lose any of their audiences for two main reasons; first off, TV audiences and Internet consumers are two completely different people and advertising companies are aware of this and so they know that losing one group does not necessarily mean that the group will be made up with the audiences from the Internet. I also believe that the advertisers do not want to lose any money and so they are willing to try anything to somehow encourage and keep their audiences.
            As a future filmmaker this impacts me because it lets me know of the disadvantages that I can possibly face as technology is developing. For example, I do not really see the purpose of 3-D movies and so I probably will not use such technology for any of my movies but that could really hurt me. I will have to accept the fact that some people do enjoy 3-D and that I could potentially lose a lot of fans and audience members by opting out of the technology but that would have to a consequence I would be willing to fight.
            As a consumer, this affects me because I am contributing to the panic advertisers are facing since I skip past all the commercials in a recorded program. Although some commercials do make me stop because they are entertaining, such situations are very few, and advertisers are aware of this. Yet, this can also serve as a challenge for advertisers because now they are force to create new commercials are better and straight to the point because that is the only way that people will actually pay attention to them, so this could actually be a blessing in disguise.
            After reading the article, I was several questions, especially for the advertisers. What are they going to do to keep their audiences from skipping their commercials? Are they still determined to dedicate their time and effort in improving the situation with the DVR and TV, or will they eventually realize that the problem will only become worse? They could always pull away from TV commercials, and instead, invest their time in developing their advertisements in other venues such as the Internet.        

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gone with the Godfather

The Oscars have always been a very important night for all movie lovers for they are allowed to witness the best accomplishments in the cinema industry. However, it appears that the Oscars next year, (the 85th since 1929) will encounter a dilemma: for the first time in a long time, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will have a very difficult time deciding on which movies to nominate for such prestigious categories in February. Yet, this problem did not occur because too many good movies were produced; instead, too many bad movies were made this year, offsetting the balance between those movies that were wonderfully influential and those that were created as an afterthought.

With the economy crisis, ticket sales have dramatically increased [check older blog post] which motivates many to stay in at home and simply watch TV. This situation is particularly aggressive to present movies right now such as Argo, which has been widely praised by critics and rumored to be a big Oscar contender, merely had 7.6 million viewers over the weekend as opposed to the 8.2 million viewers one “Glee” episode attracts.

This problem is further worsening with the fact that most movie nowadays seem to be lacking in cultural and educational depth. Now, the American public is being satisfied with the simple but abrasive movies such as the R-rated comedy, Ted, or unless the movies are action-packed or dramatic like the Twilight Saga or Marvel’s The Avengers, they will not succeed in the box office.

Due to this, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is left wondering what to do in order to produce more memorable movies such as “The Godfather” and “Gone With the Wind.”  Suggestions about improving the quality of movies nowadays have varied, with the Academy staff wanting to join all the Best Picture Oscar winners filmmakers to create a campaign shown in theaters to remind the audience of the importance of movies. Others members from the Film Institute have considered starting campaigns with influential politicians such as Bill and Hillary Clinton as their supervisors of film award programs to attract a wider and more mature audience.  

This article is very important because it draws attention to a huge problem in today’s film industry. It seems that adults and older critics alike are constantly praising the films from many years ago and now that makes sense because today’s movies are very weak and sometimes pointless compared to the older ones. Although some movies created today are still fantastic such as War Horse and Hugo, these types of movies are becoming rarer with each passing day and no matter how much the audience yearn for something better, they are still a bit powerless since they do not have a voice in the entertainment industry. Still article raises the topic of the importance of films and that is certainly a step forward since the audience needs to be informed of the dilemma before a solution can be cultivated.

This article caught my eye because it made me wonder about the effects technology has had over movies and their making. For example, since technology is constantly improving practically every day, are filmmakers becoming too dependent on it? Do they feel like their movies do not need to have such a strong story or lesson because they believe all the “special effects” will make up for that? Before, say in the 1940’s, technology was absolutely nowhere near what it is now, and so the filmmakers knew they had to have a strong story to make the movie captivating. I feel like this is part of the problem because there are many influential directors such as Christopher Nolan (The Batman Trilogy and Inception) and Jason Reitman (Up in the Air and Juno) that do not like the new 3D technology either and strongly oppose it for they believe in maintaining the purity of their film intact. On some level, this proves that the new technology made to benefit movies actually backfired on the entertainment industry.

As a student, this impacts me because I am learning a valuable lesson: today’s era of movies need to be improved and fast. It makes me realize that the future of movies does not look so bright because although the movies may become fancier with the new technology, it will still be pointless if they do not contain some sort of depth that will make certain movies stand out and remain a classic. Such news inspires me to focus on the good movies that were made years before and keep an optimistic attitude about today’s movies.

As a future filmmaker, this article motivates me to ensure my future films are worthy enough and unforgettable due to their story. I do not want my films to be simple and cliché or only created for the purpose of money because that is actually quite sad. Movies should be made because it’s a passion, and seen only by those that can truly appreciate the quality and work behind them.

As a consumer, this article impacts me because I agree with the viewpoint described above and so I am one of those that refuse to go to the theaters and pay for a movie that I know is typical and boring so I would rather just rent it. Personally, I prefer the more emotional and deep movies such as The Perks of Being of a Wallflower or Argo, and so movies like Ted, I find quite offensive and pointless because its sending the wrong message to the audience. Movies similar to Ted also make me ponder about this generation….are we, the so-called “movie-lovers”, satisfied with such crude movies? If we are, then what does that say about our characters?

As I read this article, the standards of the movies made today left me thinking; do the filmmakers truly enjoy making insulting movies such as Ted, or are they just doing it because they know it will attract audience, and therefore, accumulate a lot of money? I also wonder about the impact of technology on modern movies and whether it bettered movies or only added to the ignorance of consumers. Are filmmakers becoming too reliant on technology, or are they using it as a helpful tool rather than a crutch? After all, it is possible to combine technology and valuable ethics in any movie, like Christopher Nolan did with The Dark Knight Rises; he was able to show amazing special effects and still maintain a strong lesson (e.g. the poor versus the rich). I guess a balance between the two elements needs to be found soon or else the entertainment business will see the dark age of movies.        

Thursday, October 25, 2012

BBC in London

By now, the US and the media in general is already familiar with sexual abuse reports surfacing and accusing major household names, such as Sandusky from Penn State and the participants of the national Boy Scouts. Yet, now it appears this problem has become more apparent all over the world for now, in London, BBC, the country’s largest broadcasting company, is being investigated for sexual abuse against nine staff members and contributors. The accusation states that children’s TV host, Jimmy Savile, who died last year at the age of 84, had abused underage teenagers over several decades.
Director- General George Entwistle stated that BBC is currently looking into the situation as strictly as possible after multiple victims have spoke up about being abused while working for BBC. Yet, criticism was drawn when it was discovered that Savile did not follow through a background check while first being employed at the company because of certain “cultural problems.” Now under deep observation, Entwistle, will deliver a testimony before the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sports Committee, explaining the situation and the role the broadcast company, BBC, played in the sex abuse scandal.   

This article is very important because it shines light on the daily challenges many endure while working in the entertainment industry. Obviously, sexual harassment is no laughing matter and should never transpire for any reason because there is no justification for it, yet many people continue to do it. It is quite sad that after the world has heard of horrendous but similar cases happening, such as Sandusky from Penn State, some people still remain silent or even participate in such acts. Although this has always been a worldwide problem, it is now becoming worse with each day and must cease before the dilemma grows even bigger to the point that it can no longer be stopped. 

            The article caught my attention because it felt like such cases are happening way too often and I wonder what the authorities do to combat the problem. Although I expect the public to react the same (always in a disgusted and horrified manner), the accused might have a different approach and only be sorry for getting caught and not for actually committing the act.
As a student, this article impacts me because I can relate to the situation because I am a teenager around the same age of the victims. I imagine putting myself in their shoes and trying to succeed in the entertainment business as I endure a horrible treatment from a complete a stranger. I cannot even begin to fathom what the victims had to have experienced, but my heart goes out to them.

            As a future filmmaker, this article strongly acts as a warning for the kind of people I work with. It reminds me to always be cautious with the people I employ or work under because I never truly know if they hold a secret agenda or not. Since I am now being inspired to direct documentaries in specific, I would want to make a documentary about this whole problem as well as the rise and effects of human trafficking all over the world.
As a consumer, this impacts me because now I will pay more close attention to BBC. Although I had heard of the company previously, my whole attention was never truly focused on it, but now it will be because I would want to know how the victims are doing.

            After reading the article, I have several questions involving the victims; how are they handling the whole situation? What gave them the courage to speak up? And why does this continue to happen, especially in the media industry? Is there some sort connection to the entertainment industry and risk of being sexually abused? And if there is…what can be done to stop it?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wisconsin's Hero

Jennifer Livingston: "No More Bullies!" She Says
In today’s world, it is no surprise that bullying has dominated most schools yet most people immediately assume that bullying only exists within schools and that no other groups of people besides students can be victims of verbal abuse. Unfortunately, this is not the case; not only are students the victims of bullying, but now, so are adults in public workplaces.
Such a horrible event transpired around the first week of October, when a Wisconsin news anchorwoman, Jennifer Livingston, was more or less attacked due to her weight. It turns out that a young man, Kenneth Krause, wrote an email to Livingston, stating that she is an unsuitable role model for young girls because she is overweight. The email details further by informing Livingston that she has had many years to improve her physical condition, yet has simply chosen not to.
At first, Livingston simply ignored the personal attack since she has always been a strong person, but since she is a mother to three adorable children, she realized that they might interpret the situation differently and others might as well. Due to this, Livingston then discussed the incident for about 4 minutes in a small segment on her news channel, WKBT-TV in La Crosse, in which she acknowledged the fact that she was indeed overweight, but realized it was cruel and unfair of Krause, a complete stranger, to actually attack her for it and deem her worthless because of it.
After her husband, also an anchor person in WKBT-TV, posted the email in Facebook, an overwhelming support hugged Livingston, praising her for her courage and dignity in handling the situation. Jennifer Livingston was also hailed as a hero and as an inspiration for young kids fighting bullies and abuse for daring to be different.
And I have to admit I fell in love with her when at the end of her segment, Jennifer Livingston looked straight at the camera and stated: "To all of the children out there who feel lost, who are struggling with your weight, with the color of your skin, your sexual preference, your disability, even the acne on your face, listen to me right now: Do not let your self-worth be defined by bullies.”
I felt this article was extremely important because once again, the grave issue of bullying was brought up, especially since October is national anti-bullying month. This event also shone light on the fact that bullying happens everywhere and affects everyone, including adults at professional work places. This article also caught my eye because I enjoy reading about good things that happen in the world because with the high gas prices and depressing economy, such inspiring events seem rarer so they should be cherished greatly. This article also attracted my attention because it made me realize that heroes are ordinary people with extraordinary hearts that do not need to stop a burning building from collapsing, but simply need to motivate others to be better, if at least for one day.
As a high school student, this article impacted me because it made me want to be a better person by helping anybody that I can, even if it is something quite small because it can truly make a difference even though I may not be aware of it. I am sure when Jennifer Livingston and her husband posted the hurtful letter, she did not expect to receive such an overwhelming positive response, nor did they imagine the many lives she inspired that sparked YouTube videos and interviews on popular daytime shows.
As a future filmmaker this piece of news affected me because it serves as a warning of the possible events that can transpire by being a public figure in the entertainment industry. It taught me that my movies or tv shows will not be the only elements criticized, but I will be scrutinized as well, along with my personal life. Yet, it shows me that I can also be superior and rise above such comments just like Jennifer Livingston which is what truly defines her as a person.
As a consumer, this article affected me because now I will want to watch Livingston’s news channel (if possible) to determine how she will further handle the situation if it is brought up again. It also encourages me to look at other public figures to discover if they have been attacked in a similar manner and if they managed to handle the situation as well as Livingston did.
After reading this article, I was flooded with many questions regarding the thoughts and emotions of Kenneth Krause. In the article, he stated that he did not intend to hurt Livingston nor act like a bully, yet in this case, words happened to be louder than actions which made his statement seem false. So I wonder Krause is feeling right now; does he truly realize the impact of his role in bullying Livingston? I also wonder about the young daughters of Livingston; how did their parents let them know of the situation revolving their mother? I would like to think that the three girls are very proud of their mother for standing up for herself and for the all the children that are victims of bullying every day.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Presidents and Nick

As election day gradually becomes a reality rather than a mere hot topic for discussion, everyone is becoming more and more interested in the two candidates: current Democratic President Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. Now, kids are also excited to learn more about the future leaders of our countries which is displayed by Nick News, a Lucky Duck production that has been running for 21 years. On October 15th, the children's network will showcase a TV special titled "Kids Pick the President: The Candidates", which focuses on interviewing the presidential candidates about specific topics such as obesity, immigration, and bullying. Yet, unlike President Obama, Republican Mitt Romney will not be able to be part of the show due to previous scheduling commitments. Linda Ellerbee, the host of the show, commented on Romney's absence by stating: "We are disappointed that Mitt Romney wouldn't take the time to answer the questions..." Still, the show will go on since President Obama agreed to do the interview, and in Romney's case, the network simply decided to use clips about his campaign that address the requested topics.
I felt this article was very important because the election is very close so such topics need to be discussed. Sometimes in the news, the bigger topics such as the recession are addressed by the presidential candidates and so the weaker points are dismissed although they still hold the same value. Yet, by having a children's network such as Nick News take an interest on the overshadowed topics such as bullying, the discussion is set to be ready which also attracts young kids.
As a student, this impacted me because the show gives me a chance to learn more about the plans of my country's future leaders. Although I am still too young to vote, I can still form an opinion from the new knowledge I acquire. I believe it is always good to learn because that makes one more aware of such important news so that one is neither completely clueless nor ignorant.
As a future filmmaker, this news makes me realize that the world is always changing and which gives me more freedom regarding what I want my audience to be aware of. It is always nice to create a film in which fantasy dominates the story, yet it is still necessary for reality to have a place in films and shows to better communicate with the audience. So by having shows such as Nick News, it inspires me as a future filmmaker to keep these topics in mind so I do not forget to inform my audience on such important events because it truly makes a difference.
As a consumer, this affected me because I am interested in the plans of the presidential candidates so I will try to watch the show. The show also attracts more people because it holds a poll that predicts the ultimate winner, which has been correct 5 out of 6 times. So it will be nice to see if this year will result in another favorable win for the Nick News Poll.
After reading this article, I wondered if people realize the true affect media has on young kids. Even though they may not have been too keen on the constant reporting of Obama and Romney, they might experience a change of heart after watching the show. I also wonder if this will somehow hurt or affect Romney in some way because although kids do not vote, they can have powerful voices at home. As Linda Ellerbee said: "By answering kids' questions directly [the interviews], candidates show respect for kids."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Issue With Sue

It is no secret now that the world has been experiencing some turbulence regarding religion. Although the various perspectives about religion have always been problematic, matters were made worse when a film director under the name of Sam Bacile, released "Innocence of Muslims" which could be viewed on YouTube. Immediately, the movie was assaulted with aggressive anti-American responses and attacks from the Middle East which resulted in more than 17 tragic deaths, including the U.S ambassador to Libya.
Due to this violent feedback, an actress from the movie, Cindy Lee Garcia, has sued the film’s producer and YouTube as well, claiming that the reaction of movie has caused her to receive death threats which eventually made her an invalid caretaker for her grandchildren. Still, the movie has also caused problems in other aspects of Garcia’s life, such as being fired from her job since her employers now believe she poses a threat to those around her.
Garcia decided to sue because she states that she was tricked into making the film; she claims that the filmmaker tricked her into taking a role in the movie by assuring her that the movie was actually an adventure story set in ancient Egypt.
The actress wants all her association to the movie to be cut immediately before further problems in her life arise, since she feels that her reputation and image has been tarnished.
I thought this article was important because it shines light on the treatment certain actors are exposed to after one of their projects fails. Although one constantly reads and hears about a movie hitting rock bottom in the box attention, no one truly pays attention to the actual people behind the movie. Yet, this article accomplishes the opposite because it makes the readers understand just how powerful certain effects are regarding elements as influential as movies which is the idea that originally attracted me to the article in the first place.
As a high school student, this impacted me because I was able to connect with the issue that Garcia faced. Everyone cares about the manner in which they present themselves to others and so as a society, everyone tries to keep that image as true as possible. Yet, Garcia claims her image was changed, giving off a negative vibe, which is not fair since she had no control over such action.
As a future filmmaker, this piece of information impacted me because it made me realize the risk involved in producing a controversial movie. Although I am sure the director did not mean to evoke such a powerful response that eventually lead to deaths and riots, he must have wanted some sort of reaction and emotion since every story has a theme. Yet, this article only put the main problem more into focus, giving me a warning about voicing my opinions and views about a delicate subject such as religion.
As a consumer, this impacts me because now I am interested in watching the film. When I first head of the riots and chaos in the Middle East, I never imagined it would be a voluntary attack against Americans over one simple film. I have not yet watched the movie, but after hearing how it is affecting history, I am more eager to watch the movie to determine myself if the movie really is as horrible and offensive as the attackers claim it is.
After reading this article, multiple questions quickly sprang into my mind. I wondered what the director was feeling after witnessing all the madness that erupted after showing his movie. I am sure he did not expect this kind of reaction and so it must have shocked him greatly, as well as realizing the lawsuit filed by Garcia. I also ponder about Garcia’s views on all the whole situation; at what moment did it fully hit Garcia that the movie she worked on caused her life to be threatened, pushing her to file a lawsuit against the producer and YouTube?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Superhero Credit

It is so secret that Marvel Studios has reinvented the comic book world by constantly creating new characters and bringing them alive through action-packed films. Yet with so many superheroes constantly popping up, one may become confused as to who he/she should thank or credit for inventing such marvelous [swidt] characters. The audience has been focusing on this little bit for quite some time and so Marvel Studios was recently officially asked how they handled the whole situation; how does the studio credit the creators of superheroes? Do the inventors receive all the credit or do the developers (those that further improve the character in various manners)  also bask in the glory? 
 Kevin Feige, a film producer for Marvel Studios, responded to such questions by claiming that Marvel chief creative officer, Joe Quesada, and Marvel Comics publisher, Dan Buckley, would take care of the credit rights for each respective creator. Kevin Feige also assured curious fans by stating that a special credits section at the end of all Marvel movies would include the names of all the people that worked on the development of the superheroes, no matter how small a role a certain character had.
I felt this article was important because it focused on the rights of each creator participating in a film. Since a lot of people are required to produce one film, many names could be forgotten during the final stage of production which could anger and sadden many. After all the hard work each person dedicates to a project, it is only fair for that person to receive recognition and credit so that all the work would mean something. It is also a wonderful feeling of self-satisfaction when one realizes the significant role he/she played in accomplishing something grand such as a greatly anticipated film. 
As a student, this article impacted me because I can relate to it regarding my academics. I know what it's like to exert a lot of effort and time on a project because I desire for the best outcome. Yet at the end of it all, I also hope that I will be credited in the project in some way because it is a way of wrapping the whole project, almost like a final touch. So if the recognition is not there, then it feels like everyone else took the effort and energy for granted and did not really value it like it deserved. Whether it may be something small like a school project or something bigger like a film, credit should also be given to those that deserve it because it's only fair.
As a future filmmaker, this piece of news impacted me because I would not want to disrespect anyone by completing ignoring their contribution(s) by not crediting him/her for his/her effort in the project. This teaches that the film industry can sometimes be a dangerous and slippery slope in which one may work hard but not get rewarded which is unfair, yet sometimes, inevitable. Still, I would want to thank all the people I worked with so they can be assured that each one of them contributed to the final product since their ideas only made it stronger. By doing so, everyone would be secured about his/her role in each project so that no one feels useless or expandable because it is always important to maintain healthy relationships.
As a consumer, this affected me because I imagine the possible directions a certain film could have by not crediting one of its most influential masterminds. Since I am a great fan of Stan Lee, I usually aim to watch all the films he works on, yet if his name was not presented in a certain film, then there's a possibility that I may not watch it if it does not attract my attention enough. If many other people think among these lines, then these films are losing multiple fans, therefore, losing money as well. Due to this, every person that worked in a film should always receive credit because in the end, it does not only affect the victim, but the film overall.
By reading this article, several questions came to mind almost immediately. For example, why are some people left out of the credits at the end of the film? I remember a similar problem with the psychological thriller, Black Swan, in which a dance double for Natalie Portman's character was not mentioned in the credits although the dance double played a crucial role in developing Portman's character. Another question would be concerning the people that are left out of the credits; how do they feel when they realize that their work was not properly recognized? What will they do?  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

R-Rated Films in Classrooms?

Hinsdale South High School in Chicago has recently been under fire for teaching an elective literature class in which R-rated films are shown to juniors and seniors. The class aims to demonstrate creativity by analyzing several literacy concepts through films as a way to captivate the attention of the students. Yet, there have been various complaints of parents, all claiming that such R-rated films are highly inappropriate for a school classroom since most of the films showcase more serious and offensive topics such as sex, profanity, and violence. Superintendent Nicholas Wahl issued a statement in which he curtly reminded all the outraged parents that a syllabus was given in the beginning of the year that listed all of the films that would be shown throughout the year, and that every parent had signed and returned his or her child's syllabus. Despite admitting to signing the syllabus, the protesting parents still believe the selected films which include Brokeback Mountain and American Beauty, are inappropriate for a school environment no matter the lessons or morals that are trying to be taught through the films. Offended parents believe that the board of Hinsdale Township High School District 86 should try to reevaluate the material their schools are teaching to young kids to assure that it is all really necessary and acceptable.
I thought this article was significant because it focused on the response certain films may elicit no matter their powerful stance regarding ideas and morals of society. It proves that a film deemed  a masterpiece may not always evoke a positive message with everyone despite the film's best intentions. It is also important because it could start changing the views on R-rated films and what they are really about; many will now start to question if such films hold any importance or are simply made to entertain those who love a good blood-filled film.
As a student, this article impacted me because I could relate to it because over the years at school, I have been asked by multiple teachers to view a specific film or program for educational purposes and sometimes those films and programs have not always been "age-appropriate." Yet I have not been scarred or traumatized by these films as most parents fearfully believe, but instead, I have become educated because these films have delved into more serious topics that my own parents sometimes refuse to talk about. So even if the film contains profanity and violence, I am old enough to realize that it is simply a film and since I know right from wrong, I will not indulge in such actions.
As a future filmmaker, this piece of news impacts me because I am once again reminded of the consequences that producing R-rated films can have. Although most R-rated films usually have a strong moral or lesson that is needed to be demonstrated through violence, many still indulge in blood and profanity for "fun", which I think may be crossing the line a bit. As a future filmmaker, if I were ever to be part of creating a R-rated film, then I would want that film to have a purpose and lesson that can potentially inspire others rather than just sticking in blood and curse words randomly.
As a consumer, this article impacted me because now I will be more careful when I know I am watching a R-rated film. Many of the concerns of parents with these films is the potential negative effect R-rated films could have on young teenagers because they think the films hold too much delicate topics. Yet when I watch another R-rated film, I will try to view it in way that my parents would to see if the topic of the film is indeed too inappropriate for someone my age.
As I was reading this article, I wondered if the protesting parents realized the irony in the whole situation and if they did, did they ignore it? The parents complain that R-rated films should not be shown because they portray too much sexual concepts and violence, yet do these parents realize that their kids probably have video games with the same theme? Nowadays, video games are becoming very violent mixed in with implied sex scenes, but the parents still let their kids play these games and even purchase them as gifts for them. Are parents really outraged about their underage kids watching R-rated films in general, or are they just mad that they are shown these films at school rather than at home or at a friend's house?